12 Jobs That Will Be in Demand in 2024 - Newsoun

12 Jobs That Will Be in Demand in 2024

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The year 2024 has begun and it could be the opportunity you need to change your life. That’s why today we’ve decided to present you with 12 jobs that will be in demand in 2024. These are options that really make sense given the economic and social development we are experiencing.

However, we also recommend that you pay close attention. Some of these opportunities require some kind of previous training or at least experience. So it’s time to start preparing!


Another important reminder is that technology is developing in all areas. You need to adapt to it in your daily life in order to do your job better.


12 Jobs That Will Be in Demand in 2024

Which 12 jobs that will be in demand in 2024

Well, you may have noticed that among the 12 jobs that will be in demand in 2024, there are many in the area of technology, such as software development. Yes, this is a highly acclaimed option at the moment and this can make it easier to manage over time.

But that’s not all! There are vacancies for different types of people. Our aim today is to show you how to qualify for each of them, while explaining what you can do to achieve your goals. Here are the 12 jobs that will be in demand in 2024.

1- Software development

The software development sector is sure to see major growth. This is because it is totally related to the area of technology and information. Software development is an interesting way of working with programs that serve different purposes.

So you can be sure that this is one of the 12 jobs that will be in demand in 2024. Specialize in this area as soon as possible, because it promises to offer many more opportunities!

2- Sales in marketing

Of course, we can’t fail to point out how much the marketing area represents significant changes in the market. Today we can see large companies doing an excellent job with actions aimed at advertising and digital marketing. All in all, this is a sector that is set to grow enormously.

Of course, if you want to do well in it, you need to focus on digital marketing. In fact, it’s the only way to keep your job. It’s worth starting now! This is certainly one of the top 12 jobs that will be in demand in 2024.

3- Caregivers for the elderly

Now moving a little away from the virtual area, we have caregivers for the elderly as a very unusual option. In fact, it’s possible to think of it because it’s one of the few areas that will always grow. People need other people for care work.

It’s on the list of the 12 jobs that will be in demand in 2024 precisely because of all this versatility and ease of finding jobs. People always need this type of professional.

4- Human resources professionals

Human resources may not be growing as much as the other areas mentioned here. However, what makes it important for our list of the 12 jobs that will be in demand in 2024 is precisely its specificity.

Today, most people looking for someone to work in human resources are looking for good recruiters. In fact, they need a good professional to manage their team as a whole. Something that those who work in HR know how to do very well!

5- Artificial intelligence specialists

Another professional with great development potential is one who focuses on Artificial Intelligence. You’ve no doubt heard how certain types of platforms are using AI. So there’s no doubt that anyone who knows how to use this tool well will stand out.

It’s worth remembering that it’s very likely that there will be people looking for such actions in the future. There is a growing demand for people who want to make their lives easier by using these resources, making this one of the 12 jobs that will be in demand in 2024.

6- Psychologists and psychiatrists

Taking care of mental health has never been such a hot topic. After going through a pandemic that left many people shaken, this area is even more on the rise. People now understand the importance of a professional such as a psychologist to help in certain situations.

In general, training only takes 4 years for psychologists, however, psychiatrists need to go to medical school. So it costs a lot more money and time. Choose your next profession wisely and you’ll find the best one among the 12 jobs that will be in demand in 2024.

7- Environmental sustainability

Companies are increasingly trying to feel in tune with what the market is demanding. Environmental sustainability is not a new term. You’ve probably heard of it, but did you know that there are professionals dedicated to carrying out positive actions for these companies?

Yes, working with sustainability guarantees you one of the 12 jobs that will be in demand in 2024. But you need to specialize well, and there are already some colleges focused on just this.

8- Health professionals in general

Health professionals need no introduction. They are certainly on the list of the 12 jobs that will be in demand in 2024 simply because they are needed all the time. Nurses, doctors, psychiatrists and a few other professionals are fundamental to humanity.

This area will always show growth. However, specializing in it can be a little more complicated depending on the area you’re looking to start!

9- Entrepreneurs

Professionals who want to grow with good ideas. These are suitable for different areas. After all, most companies see it as an opportunity for rapid growth to have someone like this.

On the other hand, business owners tend to earn more and get a bigger foothold over time. If you want to learn more about entrepreneurship, now might be the best time to start. There are many actions you can take to stand out in a post-pandemic society.

10- Robotic engineers

You must recognize that robotic engineers represent a part of the future. They are responsible for automating many processes, creating new tools to speed up production in industries.

It’s not that hard to imagine why this type of professional is considered one of the most interesting on the market today. They are on the list of 12 jobs that will be in demand in 2024 because of their work, which can be very extensive. Your salary could be very high!

11- Data science

Data science has been a growth sector for a long time. It’s an area that requires a lot of analysis in order to carry out the right actions. You need an intelligent approach to working with it.

If you want to start in one of the 12 jobs that will be in demand in 2024, you need to recognize this sector. Its actions are linked to the use of technology and this makes a complete difference to the end result. Your job search will be much easier because of this.

12- Information security

Finally, our last recommendation for those wishing to work in one of the 12 jobs that will be in demand in 2024 is information security. There is no doubt that this sector will grow, mainly due to the use of AI in different activities.

In this case, you’ll need to go to university to get started. Remember that information security will work directly with data protection on the internet, so it’s something that will always be developing.

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