7 Tips for Teaching Kids about the Value of Money and Savings - Newsoun

7 Tips for Teaching Kids about the Value of Money and Savings


How are you teaching kids in your community how to handle money? Are you teaching your children, siblings, nephews and other children with whom you live all the time, or do you at least know the correct way to educate children about finances?

teaching kids


If your answer is no, I invite you to read this article, where we’ll cover 7 effective tips for teaching kids to deal with money, in which we’ll talk about:

  • To teach the importance of distinguishing between financial needs and wants.
  • Introduce the concept of budgeting and financial planning.
  • Encourage the practice of patience and delaying gratification.
  • Promote responsibility by teaching them how to look after their own money.
  • Demonstrate the importance of researching and comparing prices before making a purchase.
  • Encourage them to save small amounts regularly to achieve long-term goals.
  • Involve them in family financial decisions to promote awareness and practical learning.

Teaching kids to have financial control is clearly not so simple, but if you prepare carefully, it won’t become the nightmare it is for many people.


And understand that it’s very important to research ways of teaching kids to look after their money, especially if you have or intend to have children, because that child’s financial future will be mirrored in the way you’ve led them, so it won’t be a waste of time for you but a great investment in the life of that little being!

Discover 7 tips for Teaching Kids about the value of money and saving:

Before starting the tips, it’s important to understand that this learning will be for a child’s better future in the financial world, so it’s something you should dedicate yourself to, just like any other study you’ve ever done. If I dedicate time to professional study, why can’t I dedicate time to the future financial education of my child, or a child I come into contact with? Now on to the tips:

1. Teaching the importance of distinguishing between financial needs and wants.

Teaching kids  about the importance of distinguishing between financial needs and wants is important for their financial education. By explaining this distinction, you parents and educators are increasing young people’s ability to make more conscious and responsible financial choices. 

It is important to show children that needs are things that are essential for living, such as food, housing and education, while wants are things that we would like to have, but which are not essential for our survival. By teaching this difference, children learn to prioritize their expenses and save for what is really important.

Therefore, by teaching kids  about the difference between financial needs and wants, we are helping them to make more informed financial decisions and develop healthy spending habits from an early age. This contributes to a more stable and promising financial future, as they grow into responsible and controlled adults. 

2. Introduce the concept of budgeting and financial planning.

Introducing the concept of budgeting and financial planning to children is an advantageous way of preparing them to handle money responsibly and consciously. By explaining what a budget is and how it works, you are enabling children to understand the importance of managing their finances effectively. 

This helps teach them to set realistic financial goals and plan how to achieve them. By teaching kids about budgeting and financial planning, we are giving them the skills they need to make the right financial decisions and build a good financial aspect to their lives.

By teaching kids to keep track of their spending, set priorities and save for specific goals, they develop controllable financial habits and govern their own wills. This prepares them to face the financial challenges that may arise throughout their lives in a more confident and prepared manner.

3. Encourage the practice of patience and delaying gratification.

By encouraging children to expect and plan their rewards, we are helping them to understand the importance of making thoughtful financial decisions and to value effort and perseverance. This practice prepares them to understand that it’s not always possible to have everything immediately, and teaches them to save and prioritize their spending.

By teaching kids about patience and delaying gratification, we are building in them disciplines of impulsiveness and self-control. This provides them with the skills to deal with challenging situations in the future, showing them the importance of saving to achieve bigger goals and understanding that rewards can be even more rewarding when earned with effort and planning.

Therefore, by practicing patience and delaying gratification, children develop valuable skills that will help them make smarter financial decisions and control themselves financially.

4. Promoting responsibility by teaching people how to look after their own money.

By teaching kids to look after their own money, we are training them to make conscious and responsible financial decisions. This involves not only teaching them to spend thoughtfully, but also to save and invest intelligently.

An effective way to promote this responsibility is to involve children in practical activities related to money. For example, adding financial responsibilities, such as managing a small amount of money to buy snacks or presents, helps them understand the value of money and the consequences of their financial choices.

In addition, it is important to encourage open communication about financial issues and explain the basics of budgeting, saving and investing in a way that is appropriate for their age. To help build a financial understanding that will benefit children throughout their lives.

5. Demonstrate the importance of researching and comparing prices before making a purchase.

For you to make this research interaction when teaching kids how to handle money, it’s interesting to involve children in practical price comparison activities. For example, when shopping at the supermarket, we can encourage them to compare the prices of different brands and similar products, highlighting the differences in price and quality between them.

In addition, we can use everyday situations, such as buying toys or clothes, to teach children about the importance of researching before making a purchasing decision. Explain to them how searching online or visiting several stores can help them find the best price and get the best value for their money.

This practice not only contributes to their personal development, but also prepares them to be able to negotiate in the real world with confidence, skill and experience.

6. Encourage saving small amounts regularly to achieve long-term goals.

We can encourage them to set realistic financial goals that they can achieve, such as saving for a desired toy, a family trip or a future extracurricular activity.

If you emphasize the connection between saving and fulfilling their wishes, you will be strengthening their commitment to regular saving. In addition, we can involve children in activities that emphasize the importance of saving, such as counting coins in a piggy bank or creating a progress chart to track their economic growth over time.

By doing these activities with them, you will not only be teaching kids to save their money, but you will also be preparing a young person for a stable and responsible future in the financial world!

7. Involve them in the family’s financial decisions to promote awareness and practical learning.

And finally, involving children in the family’s financial decisions is a powerful way to promote awareness and practical learning about the value of money.

You can explain to them the different types of expenses the family has, such as housing, food, education and entertainment bills, and discuss the family’s financial priorities and commitments. This helps children understand where the family’s money comes from and where it goes, promoting a deeper understanding of family finances.

This process of teaching kids  how to save and deal with money can also be done by getting them involved in the home’s savings. Showing them that you have good financial management will be a great incentive for them to do the same. In other words, being the child’s mirror will be the biggest difference. Simple attitudes like this can make a child’s financial future a promising one.

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