7 Wall Street secrets you may not know about - Newsoun

7 Wall Street secrets you may not know about

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Have you ever wondered what Wall Street is and what makes it such an influential symbol in the world? 7 Wall Street secrets you may not know about?

Wall Street is the financial heart of the United States, the financial epicenter of the U.S. capital markets.  


While many people know the basics of the stock market and finance, there are 7 Wall Street secrets you may not know about and that remain hidden from most people. 

In this article, we will reveal 7 Wall Street secrets you may not know about that may surprise even the most experienced investors.


What is Wall Street?

Wall Street is the name given to an iconic street located on the island of Manhattan in New York. This street is known worldwide for being home to the main financial institutions in the US capital market. 

The term “Wall Street” is also commonly used to refer to the US financial market as a whole.

Along Wall Street, we find renowned financial institutions such as BlackRock, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, among others. These companies play a key role in the global financial scene, influencing markets and investments around the world.

In addition, this iconic street is home to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), one of the most important stock exchanges on the planet. Through the NYSE, millions of shares and bonds are traded daily, reflecting the dynamics of the international financial market.

Because it is considered a financial epicenter worldwide, its image is widely portrayed as a symbol of power and an icon of capitalism. 

However, behind the scenes it is possible to find hidden practices that cause concern for investors. Let’s take a look at the 7 Wall Street secrets you may not know about.

7 Wall Street secrets you may not know about

Let’s delve a little deeper into the 7 Wall Street secrets you may not know about  that permeate the world of Wall Street, revealing the tactics used by some of the most powerful players in this financial powerhouse. 

Behind the seemingly impenetrable façade lies a veil of secrets surrounding the operations of this financial kingdom.

1. Los lobos de Wall Street

Have you ever heard of the “Wolves of Wall Street”?  Among the 7 Wall Street secrets you may not know about, we can mention this one. 

But what does it mean? Well, it means brokers and traders who operate in the financial market with ruthless aggressiveness. 

They are known for their bold and sometimes questionable trading tactics. 

The Wolves of Wall Street are portrayed in movies and TV series, but the reality is even more intense. We can say that they are the masters of speculation and price manipulation.

2. The Secret Trading Rooms

Another of the 7 Wall Street secrets you may not know about is that, behind the closed doors of the big banks and investment firms, there are secret trading rooms where financial decisions are made. 

These rooms are often protected by strict security measures and house key decision-makers. What happens inside can affect global markets.

3. High Frequency Algorithms

Did you know that one of the 7 Wall Street secrets you may not know about is that high frequency algorithms are computer programs that execute thousands of trades per second? 

These algorithms are used by large financial institutions to gain an advantage in the market. They are so fast that they can detect and take advantage of small fluctuations in stock prices before humans can react.

4. The influence of investment banks

As evidenced by one of the 7 Wall Street secrets you may not know about, investment banks have a significant influence on the financial markets. 

Not only do they provide advisory and financing services, but they can also influence economic policies and government decisions. Their connections and resources are powerful, and they often operate behind the scenes.

5. Flash Crashes

Still on the subject of the 7 Wall Street secrets you may not know about, we can say that “flash crashes” are a major concern for investors when they go to invest. 

This is because in sudden events in which the stock market falls dramatically, it recovers quickly. Although they are rare, they can have a significant impact on investors.

These events are often caused by technical errors or the performance of high-frequency algorithms. 

6. Hedge Funds

The second-to-last of 7 Wall Street secrets you may not know about are hedge funds, which are private investment vehicles that seek high returns regardless of market conditions. 

These vehicles use complex strategies such as arbitrage, derivatives and leverage. Many hedge funds are extremely secretive and only accept high net worth investors.

7. Whisper Numbers

And last of the 7 Wall Street secrets you may not know about we’ve listed here are the “whisper numbers”. These are unofficial estimates of company earnings that circulate among investors. 

These estimates are based on non-public information and can influence decisions to buy or sell shares. 

Whisper numbers are an obscure part of the stock market, but many experienced investors take them into account.

The secrets to financial success from a Wall Street legend

After getting to know the 7 Wall Street secrets you may not know about, we’re going to reveal some of the key teachings derived from the Wall Street legend, which provide valuable insights into how to handle money, risk and achieve financial success.

Anton Kreil is a renowned Wall Street trader who rose to prominence by exposing the flaws in the financial system that lead most investors to lose money. 

His expertise and valuable insights revealed the truth behind deceptive practices in the financial market.

Anton, a financial expert, shares valuable insights into money and success. 

Here are the main points to consider, according to the Wall Street legend:

1. Respect money and be indifferent to it: Understand the essential function of money in society and avoid greed. Healthy greed is that which respects the interests of others and recognizes the value of money.

2. Correctly defining assets and liabilities: Understand that money is a raw material and that capital can be both a liability and an asset, depending on how it is used. Differentiate between business and personal responsibilities, acquiring business responsibilities for growth, but avoiding unnecessary personal responsibilities.

3. Have your own infrastructure: Aim to build your own asset base without significant liabilities. Owning your own business is an effective way of achieving this, as it often requires minimal initial investment.

4. Risk is subjective: Risk is relative to your personal situation. Evaluate risky situations carefully, considering the consequences and seeking security when making important decisions, such as changing jobs.

5. Get alternative education: Recognize that traditional education often doesn’t cover the essential financial aspects. Seek knowledge and perspectives outside the traditional curriculum, question conventional teachings and seek to learn about finance and success from alternative sources.


Investing on Wall Street requires a careful and informed approach. And so that you don’t fall prey to the 7 Wall Street secrets you may not know about, carrying out thorough research is very important for successfully navigating this environment. 

This involves analyzing financial statements, following industry trends and staying up-to-date on company news. 

By using various sources of information, such as financial media, corporate reports and expert analysis, investors can make more informed decisions.

Seeking professional advice can also be advantageous, especially for novice investors. 

Financial advisors and wealth managers offer personalized advice based on each person’s financial situation and goals. 

They help navigate complex strategies such as diversification and asset allocation. It is important to choose an advisor who is trustworthy, aligned with your investment philosophy and has a proven track record of success.

Technology plays a significant role in modern investing. With the digital age, online brokerage platforms and investment apps have become accessible, facilitating access to Wall Street. 

These tools allow investors to carry out transactions conveniently and monitor their portfolios in real time.

That way you can exploit the benefits of Wall Street investing without worrying about the 7 Wall Street secrets you may not know about. 

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7 steps to organize your personal finances
