6 steps on how to build your equity portfolio - Newsoun

6 steps on how to build your equity portfolio

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A variable income portfolio must provide security to the investor. After all, this is a type of application that requires a lot of care and attention. Some changes in the market can cause you to lose money. This is exactly why there is a huge need for equities.

You should already know that the success of a good investment portfolio is having a balanced combination of many factors. In other words, creating a portfolio that combines safety and risk ensures that you will always have adequate value to continue your investments.


But it is also important to mention that it is not advisable to withdraw your money every time you notice a small change. Therefore, your equity portfolio must be constructed very responsibly. In fact, there are professionals who do it with great care.

Naturally, based on what we have seen in this market, we have decided to bring you 6 essential steps to building your portfolio. These can be done simply by following our advice, guaranteeing improvement or greater security in your investments.


¿Por qué necesito una portfolio de renta variable?

Hay muchas personas que adoran la renta fija, que es más segura y tiene resultados predecibles. Sin embargo, también sabemos que no ofrecen toda esa rentabilidad deseada y por eso es tan importante saber crear una variable, para que exija mucho menos. Recuerde que cuanto mayor sea el riesgo, mayor será el beneficio.

Tener una cartera dinámica ayuda a que su cartera de renta variable sea más responsable y objetiva. Esto también puede lograrse mediante una buena gestión del capital, que, a su vez, debe llevarse a cabo con la mayor atención posible. Aun así, el riesgo siempre estará presente.

Por supuesto, además de todo esto, es fundamental que conozcas tu perfil como inversor. Este es un error común de los principiantes que quieren empezar rápidamente y se olvidan de realizar un análisis. Tus inversiones pueden tender más hacia la renta fija, o pueden ser más variadas.

En todos los casos, necesitará una buena estrategia para gestionar su cartera de renta variable. ¡Nuestro objetivo hoy con este artículo exclusivo es darle la mayor información posible para que pueda pensar por sí mismo en las mayores oportunidades que puede tener!

1- Defina sus objetivos

En primer lugar, definir lo que uno quiere siempre es bueno. Cuando se trata de su cartera de renta variable, es aún más importante. De ese modo, podrás retirar tu dinero en cuanto alcances la rentabilidad deseada, cambiando a otros activos en cualquier momento.

Tomemos como ejemplo el bitcoin. Esta moneda digital es extremadamente volátil, en un momento dado es probable que su valor caiga y tengas pérdidas. Por eso es necesario que definas exactamente qué rentabilidad quieres obtener por cada capital invertido, para que te resulte más fácil conseguir beneficios.

Por otro lado, vigile siempre sus estudios. Sólo así garantizará una previsión eficaz para su cartera de renta variable. Intenta no invertir en demasiados activos para no tener que estudiar y gestionar cada uno de ellos. Evita estas acciones en la medida de lo posible.

2- Change plans periodically

This is an interesting tip, especially for beginners. The change of plans is based on the lack of good profitability. At that moment you must visualize a new way of managing your variable income portfolio. And don’t worry, this is a very common process for anyone who invests.

Something important to mention here is that at this point it is best to inject small amounts into these assets. That way, you will be able to operate in a practical and real way in the market without major losses. Of course, over time you will notice that your knowledge increases and you will no longer need to consider something like that.

3- Seek financial advice

Financial advice can be easy to obtain and, in some cases, expensive. But, in fact, this decision will make your profitability much higher. You can take into account useful advice for the long or short term, and a trained professional will be fully qualified to talk about it.

If you start this way, you won’t have to worry as much because the benefits will come more quickly. You will notice this during your first investments in your equity portfolio. Have many plans in mind for it because it will require special attention.

In general, your equity portfolio can be very rich and expressive. There are no rules for how this can happen. The important thing is to consider the progress you can make with the help of a professional with knowledge of volatility and profitability.

4- Risks versus returns

Today we know how complicated the market can be. Many people tend to forget about their equity portfolio because of the changes. You can lose a lot of capital if you are inexperienced and careless. Of course, you don’t want that, but what can you do?

The first step is to realize the risks involved. Nowadays, anyone can easily start making money from fixed income, even if just a little. However, the equity portfolio is quite complicated because changes in the market alter them.

On the one hand, this is great, because you can achieve high returns quickly. On the other hand, you run the risk of losing a lot when values ​​go down. Keep an eye on this part at all times and you won’t have too many problems.

5- Investment habits

What are your investment habits like? Spending money is a problem for you at the end of the month. Well, most experts believe that the appropriate way to deal with it is the famous “80/20” rule. 80% of your salary should go to your monthly purchases and 20% to investing.

This is not an absolute rule, you can modify it a little depending on your expenses. On the other hand, it is recommended to allocate at least 15% to fixed income investments and in the variable income portfolio. Your fixed expenses can take the rest.

Finally, preserving your investments by keeping them in safe places is also essential. Suppose you have obtained a good return on your equity portfolio, if you spend it all on superfluous things, it won’t have been worth the effort, right? Many people recommend transferring your benefits to a fixed income. It can be a great alternative.

6- Choose the perfect asset

The perfect asset can emerge in different ways and is based on your own investment profile. Even within the equity portfolio, there are several that can be considered. Ensuring experience in one of them also helps you have fewer problems with changes in the market.

Of course, we also recommend that you learn others over time. This is because an investment can decline in price over long periods of time depending on taxes, low demand, and even other extreme factors. Of course, this is a one-time thing, but it is worth taking precautions.

The perfect asset also has to be well thought out. Always think about why you choose it. Your variable income portfolio should always include financial products that you know. Don’t try something just because it goes up in price, study it first.

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