This credit card is an excellent choice for individuals seeking a card that prioritizes long-term savings on interest.
For those looking for a practical, advantageous and secure payment method, Assent Platinum 0 Intro Rate is interesting, providing reliable transactions. You can use the payment method so that you can recover your history as a customer.
Having an advantageous payment method that helps you rebuild your credit history in the market is essential.
Precisely with the aim of ensuring that you can demonstrate that you are able to make your payments, facilitating the process of obtaining a conventional credit card again in the future.
Assent Platinum 0 Intro Rate
0% intro APR No annualHow does the Assent Platinum 0 Intro Rate work ?
Using the Assent Platinum 0 Intro Rate is interesting for those who have credit problems, as it is a card that the customer makes deposits with and uses the amount as a limit.
This way, the consumer has the possibility of making their daily purchases in different places that accept Mastercard.
You can use the card by making regular deposits according to your financial possibilities. This ensures that your financial transactions are monitored by credit bureaus , helping you to rebuild your credit history.
This is essential so that in the future it will be possible to obtain credit on the market again, having demonstrated your ability to pay. Because it is practical and safe, using the card is very advantageous.
Main benefits of Assent Platinum 0 Intro Rate
Using Assent Platinum 0 Intro Rate is full of benefits for anyone who has ever had problems with their credit history in the market.
The card is full of benefits such as the fact that you can manage your purchases 24 hours a day using the app.
Furthermore, it is a card that can be used for national or international purchases, facilitating financial dynamics.
Over time, the card can have a limit of up to $5,000, which makes it easier to use when traveling and at specific times in your life.
Having 0% APR for 6 months makes it easier to get back on your financial journey. Considering that, you can make deposits between $200 and $2000 to use the card and make your daily transactions.
Using a Mastercard card makes it easier to make all your transactions safe and profitable. This way, you can ensure that your purchases are practical and hassle-free.
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Cons of Assent Platinum 0 Intro Rate
Although it is full of benefits, the Assent Platinum 0 Intro Rate is a card that has some costs involved.
And that is exactly what needs to be evaluated, considering that the costs of the card end up harming the budget when you are on a tight budget.
The fact that it is a card with limited acceptance and that it depends on the amount deposited to have a credit limit, ends up making it difficult to make a lot of expenses every month using the card.
The objective of using a card like the Assent Platinum is precisely to make several transactions so that you can rebuild your reputation as a consumer and good payer.
APR and Fees
In general, the Assent Platinum 0 Intro Rate is a card that has many fees and needs to be checked, so that you can identify what is advantageous for your daily life.
With 0% APR in the first 6 months of use, the card will have 9.74% APR after the initial 6 months of use of the card.
The initial credit limit is between $200 and $2000, depending directly on the security deposit made by the customer. As you make new deposits, you can increase the card limit.
You also need to be aware that you will have to pay an annual fee of $49. This can end up weighing on your budget. For this reason, you need to consider all the fees involved in the process of applying for your card, so that you can identify whether it is worth including in your payment routine.
How to apply for the Assent Platinum 0 Intro Rate
The process of requesting your Assent Platinum 0 Intro Rate is quite simple, the customer just needs to look for the company’s official website.
After accessing the page, read all the information you need to check, so you can be sure that the card is suitable for your financial needs.
A detailed reading gives you an idea of all the costs. In addition, it is possible to have a clear understanding of how the card works.
Click on request card, provide all your personal information and wait for the card to be issued.
This way, you can receive the card at your address, make a deposit of the security amount and start using it as needed.
Every time your balance runs out, simply make a security deposit so that you can use the money as a balance so that your transactions can be completed easily.