Best Apps to organize finances - Newsoun

Best Apps to organize finances

You're in the right place, check out some of the best content below to help you today.


Money management apps are useful tools that help people manage their personal finances more efficiently. 

These finance management apps are available for smartphones and offer a variety of features and functionality to help you control and organize your finances.


When using an app to organize your finances, the first step is to connect your bank accounts, credit cards, and other investments to the app. 


This allows the finance management app to automatically import your financial transactions and categorize them into different categories, such as food, housing, transportation, and more.

See the best options now and choose an app to organize your finances

With all transactions categorized, you can view your spending clearly and understand where your money is going.

Additionally, many apps offer the option to set financial goals and create a personalized budget.

These apps also provide features to track bill payments and generate alerts to avoid late payments.

Some apps even offer money-saving tips and suggestions for improving your personal finances. Check them out:

1- Mint / Application to organize finances

Mint is a comprehensive financial management app that allows users to track and organize their personal finances easily and conveniently.

The application connects to bank accounts, credit cards, investments and others, automatically importing financial transactions and categorizing them into different areas, such as food, housing, transportation, among others.

One of Mint’s main advantages is its ability to provide a clear and comprehensive overview of personal finances in one place. It tracks spending, creates personalized budgets, and provides detailed charts and reports to help users understand their finances.

Additionally, Mint offers additional features like bill due alerts, payment reminders, and credit monitoring. Users can also set financial goals and track their progress over time.

2- YNAB (You Need a Budget) / App to organize finances

YNAB is a personalized budgeting app that focuses on creating a solid financial plan. It encourages users to assign each dollar a specific “job,” helping them control their spending and save money.

The app allows users to create custom budget categories and set realistic financial goals. Users can track their expenses, adjust their budgets as needed, and receive ongoing feedback on their financial progress.

YNAB also offers valuable educational resources, such as online courses and informative articles, that help users learn about personal finance and adopt healthy financial habits.

Additionally, the app automatically syncs with all your financial accounts, providing a consolidated view of your finances in real-time.

Users can access YNAB via mobile devices as well as the web, ensuring their financial information is always available.

3- Personal Capital / Application to organize finances

Personal Capital is a financial management app that provides a comprehensive view of personal finances. It allows users to connect all of their financial accounts, including bank accounts, investments, credit cards, and loans, into a single dashboard.

The app automatically tracks transactions and categorizes spending to provide a clear view of spending habits.

One of the main features of Personal Capital is its focus on investing. It provides tools and resources to help users analyze and optimize their investments, including portfolio analysis, asset allocation, and retirement projections.

Additionally, the app offers a premium financial advisory service where users can get personalized support from a certified financial advisor.

4- PocketGuard / Application to organize finances

PocketGuard is a personal finance management app that aims to simplify the process of budgeting and tracking spending. It connects to users’ bank accounts, automatically importing transactions and categorizing them.

PocketGuard uses a goal-based approach, allowing users to set financial goals, such as saving for a trip or paying off debt. The app tracks progress toward these goals and provides insights on how to save money.

A unique feature of PocketGuard is its “unmatched budgeting” functionality, which takes into account your regular expenses, financial goals, and disposable income to provide you with a personalized budget.

Additionally, the app has additional features such as negative account alerts, bill due date reminders, and expense analysis.

5- Wally / Application to organize finances

Wally is an intuitive personal finance app that helps users track their expenses and manage their money with ease.

With a simplified interface, Wally allows users to quickly record their transactions and categorize them according to their preferences.

The app also offers budgeting features, allowing users to set limits on their expenses across different categories.

A unique feature of Wally is its integration with the smartphone camera. Users can take a photo of a transaction receipt or invoice and the app automatically extracts the relevant information, making it easy to record and track expenses.

Additionally, Wally allows users to set financial goals and track their progress. The app provides detailed insights and analytics, helping users better understand their spending patterns and find areas to save.

6- Spendee / Application to organize finances

Spendee is an expense management app that offers a visually appealing way to track personal finances.

With an elegant and colorful interface, Spendee allows users to record their expenses and income in a simple and intuitive way.

Users can add details to transactions, such as location, notes, and photos, to get a complete record of their finances.

The app automatically groups transactions into categories and provides interactive charts and reports to help users visualize their spending and identify patterns. Users can also create custom budgets and receive notifications when they approach set limits.

Spendee offers additional features like sharing expenses among friends and syncing across multiple devices. Users can invite others to share group expenses, such as travel or rent, making it easier to track and share expenses.

With their attractive interfaces and simplified expense tracking features, Wally and Spendee are excellent options for those looking to effectively organize their personal finances. Both apps offer categorization, budgeting, and analytics features to help users better understand their spending habits and achieve their financial goals.

7- Goodbudget / App to organize finances

Goodbudget is a personal budgeting app based on the concept of virtual envelopes. It helps users divide their finances into categories and set budgets for each category.

Users can create virtual envelopes for essential expenses such as housing, transportation and food, and allocate their money according to their priorities.

One of Goodbudget’s main features is that it syncs across shared devices, such as couples or families, allowing everyone to track their budget and expenses in real time. The app also offers graphs and reports to help users visualize their progress and identify areas for savings.

Additionally, Goodbudget encourages saving by allowing users to create virtual envelopes for financial goals, such as a trip or buying a car. Users can set savings goals and track their progress over time.

8- Monefy / Application to organize finances

Monefy is a financial management app that stands out for its simplicity and ease of use. With an intuitive interface, Monefy allows users to record their expenses and income in just a few taps. Users can create custom categories to organize their transactions according to their preferences.

The app provides a clear view of spending through detailed graphs and reports. Users can view their daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly expenses, allowing them to identify patterns and make more informed financial decisions.
